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《Lesson 32 Again ,please》教学设计—冀教版

11-15 21:36:38  浏览次数:581次  栏目:四年级英语教案
标签:四年级英语教案大全, 《Lesson 32 Again ,please》教学设计—冀教版,http://www.qpx6.com

  Words: (elephant kangaroo lion monkey tiger wolf mountain rock tree behind in front of inside outside )

  Sentences: (1.Where is _______? 及回答 2.Where does it live ?及回答

  3.Why___?Because ________.)

  Teaching aims:

  1 能力目标:引导学生积极主动大胆的使用相关语言进行交际,培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力。



  Key points and difficult points:

  Words: (elephant kangaroo lion monkey tiger wolf mountain rock tree behind in front of inside outside )

  (Sentences: (1.Where is _______? 及回答 2.Where does it live ?及回答 )

  Teaching aids : Word cards, courseware

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 : Greeting and chant

  T says :Hi! Nice to meet you ! Are you happy today? Let us say the

  Chant“The zoo is fun” OK?

  (students do actions as they say.)


  Step 2 Play a game (Guess, what animal is it ?)

  Review the animal words

  在电脑课件中出现6个分别标有123456序号的方形,学生可以任意猜测哪个序号是什么动物。然后教师点击相应的数字,看哪个同学猜得准。最后,把六种动物都呈现给学生后,让学生到屏幕前指着自己喜欢的动物介绍给大家:My favourite animal is __________.Can you tell me where does it live?找学生来回答


  Step 3 mountain rock tree behind in front of inside outside

  用图片复习 mountain rock tree 三个单词,然后用 behind in front of inside outside



  Step 4 Test

  Use the Activity Book and recorder

  1 . Listen, draw what you hear ,fill i n the blanks。

  2. .Listen . Circle the correct answer 。

  3. Listen . Draw a picture . Follow the directions.


  Step 5 Activities after the test.

  Exchange the Activity Books. The students listen to the tape again and check for other students paper. Circle the mistakes .



,《Lesson 32 Again ,please》教学设计—冀教版