

 The best birthday present for me. I have many birthday presents and the mp3 player is the best birthday present for me. The mp3 playe....五年级英语学习辅导
 The Mid-Autumn Festival has all interesting history. Long ago in one of the dynasties of China there was a king who was very cruel to the....五年级英语学习辅导
 On Saturday, we went camping, with our teachers. First we pitched the tent. Then our older brothers and older sisters played game with ....五年级英语学习辅导
 i went to the Mu zha zoo with my friends last Sunday. There were many sections in the zoo. I was most inpriced by the nocturnal anima....五年级英语学习辅导
 Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in Septem....五年级英语学习辅导
 Afternoon thundershower This morning was very comfortable. But in the afternoon it started to rain so hard. I really don‘t like ra....五年级英语学习辅导
 I have a good day !In the morning , I read books and do homework .In the afternoon .I go shopping ,play computer games and ride a bike....五年级英语学习辅导
 一天,Emily发现她的朋友Vaz和他姐姐Teresa正在挖恐龙骨头,于是便带着Clifford一起前去帮忙,那后来他们真的挖到了吗?快来看故事吧! 1. One....五年级英语学习辅导
 a 英语不是学习而是习得 英语不是高深的知识,仅是交流的一种工具。 准确地说,英语不应该是“学习”而应该是“习得”。如果大家感兴趣的,可以....五年级英语学习辅导
 I lost my favourite sneakers. They are black and yellow and look like small tigers. Those sneakers are one of my gifts from my eighth....五年级英语学习辅导
 With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive....五年级英语学习辅导
 Today I‘m going to show you around my bedroom.My bedroom is the bigest room in my house. On the other side of my bedroom is a fish tan....五年级英语学习辅导
 The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her l....五年级英语学习辅导
 I have no other wish except to be an English teacher. There is another reason why I want to be an English teacher. Now I am the Engli....五年级英语学习辅导
 what's your plan for dragon boat festival? as a chinese, i was really ashamed of having a little knowledge of dragon boat festival. p....五年级英语学习辅导
 “老师,是你用辛勤的汗水浇灌我们,用真理的火光照亮我们!”不错,我们的应老师更是如此,就拿五年级的第5天开始讲起了。 那天,语文课下课,应....五年级英语学习辅导
 Hooray! It's snowing! It's time to make a snowman.噢噢哦!下雪了!是时候堆个雪人了。 James runs out. He makes a big pileof snow. He p....五年级英语学习辅导
 2012年元宵节是几月几号?元宵节来历? 正月是农历的元月,古人称其为“宵”,而十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为元宵节。是....五年级英语学习辅导
  听力记录有套路  放听力前,会有试音时间。试音前半段放音乐时,应快速浏览试卷,看各题选项。试音后半段时,会读一道对话类例题。此时停止阅....五年级英语学习辅导
 Clifford经历的第一个秋天,我带着他去了公园。一路上看到了南飞的鸟儿和片片落叶。正巧这时,一个皮球滚到了Clifford面前…一起来看故事吧! ....五年级英语学习辅导
 name n. 名字 near adj. 近的 need vt.n. 需要 never adv. 从不 new adj 新的 news n. 新闻 newspaper n.报纸 next n. adj. 下一个....五年级英语学习辅导
 1. It's Halloween night. Clifford and I meet our friends outside. We are going trick-or-treating! Soon we are on our way. 今天是万圣节....五年级英语学习辅导
 Hi!I am a happy and quiet girl.I am from Chin.I am twelve years old,I am a pupil,I am in Class Three Gread Four.I many good friends.I ....五年级英语学习辅导
 1. One day, I am paintinga picture of Clifford in the park. 一天,我正在公园里画一幅Clifford的画像。 2. I am almost finished when ....五年级英语学习辅导
 1. One night, a fleabites Dog. "Woof! Woof!" Dog wakes up. "Oink! Oink!" says Pig. "Be quiet." "It's time to get up," says Dog. "No," ....五年级英语学习辅导
 小学五年级英语必须掌握的英语句子(上册) 1.Who’s your math teacher?Mr Zhao. 2.What’s he like?He’s thin and short.He’s very kin....五年级英语学习辅导
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