

11-15 21:36:54  浏览次数:773次  栏目:一年级下册课内同步单元测试
标签:一年级下册课内同步单元测试大全, (人教版)一年级英语下册随堂测试(十三),http://www.qpx6.com

   一、 用is , am 和are 填空:3`

  1. She ______ a teacher .                2. They ________ cows.

  3. What _______ these ?                 4. I ______ a pupil ,too.

  5. It _______ under the tree.            6. My father ________ a doctor .

  7. This ________ our classroom .         8. These  ________ eggs .

  9. My name ______ Amy .                  10. His  hat ________ on the bed .


  A. his    B. my    C. her     D. our     E. their     F. your.

  1. This is ________ (她的)dress .       2. That is ________(我们的)classroom.

  3. What‘s ______(你的)name ?        4. Look! ______ (他们的)school bags .

  5. ______(我的) name is Amy .         6. It is ________(他的) hat .

  三 、比较大小;2.5`

  1.Seven      nine      2.  ten        twelve        3. three       two

  4. eight - one      five+four           5. four + nine       eleven - five


  school          pencil           ice           class          how

  box             bag            old           cream         room
